Vmware Guest Bios Serial Number
We are in the process of upgrading our environment from 3.5 to 4.1 U1. We are building our hosts with a fresh install of vSphere and migrating our guest servers to the new hosts.
However we have an application installed on a server that uses the BIOS Serial Number and the MAC address of the NIC for licencing. When we view the licence information it shows the BIOS serial number, machine name and MAC address. Obviously the machine name wont be changing when we migrate to a new host
Home Archives VMware Infrastructure Archives Virtual Machine and Guest OS Archives Discussions. I would like to change the virtual serial number on a VM. Looking at the vmx file, the uuid.bois is where the VM draws the serial number. This can be changed with the uuid.bios statement in the.vmx file but the format has to be the. The serial number you enter is saved and VMware Workstation does not ask you for it again. For your convenience, VMware Workstation automatically sends the serial number to the VMware Web site when you use certain Web links built into the product (for example, Help VMware software on the Web Register Now! And Help VMware on the Web.
However I would like to upgrade the NIC to a VMXNET3 card and this will change the MAC address. Would there be any problems assigning a manual MAC address to the NIC using the MAC address of the original NIC?
Will the BIOS Serial Number change when we migrate the server to the new host?
Igo 8 windows ce 4.2. When I display the licence information for the application the BIOS serial number is displayed as: BIOS SERIAL NUMBER: VMware-50 15 0a 30 59 1c 8f c3-8e e7 08 b6 c2 12 23 65.
The HEX numbers in the BIOS serial number displayed are the same as the uuid.bios in the server vmx file. If the BIOS serial number were to change, would I be able to edit the vmx file and change the uuid.bios?