Aerosoft F 14 X

Главная»Игры»Прочее для Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, X-Plane»Самолёты и вертолёты для FS2004, FSX, P3D

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XnXX · 07-Май-18 23:57(1 год 8 месяцев назад, ред. 08-Май-18 00:30)

Aerosoft - F-14 ExtendedГод выпуска: 2016
Издатель: SimMarket
Платформа симулятора:FSX & Steam Edition Prepar3D v3 + v4
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования (System Requirments): Такие же как у симулятора. (Same As Simulator)
Описание: When the F-14 entered fleet service, there was a noticeable shift in political power projection. Carriers of the US navy had always been important elements of political influence, but their engagements came with a high cost. The F-14 on the other hand, seemed invincible. It had combined the roles of two specialist aircraft, the F-4 and F6D, and presented a significant step forward in each capacity.
The Aerosoft F-14 Extended was designed with two principle objectives. The first was to create an authentic and detailed representation about what it was like to fly the early model F-14`s and the refinements made over the first 20 years of the airframe`s service life. The second was to create an accessible simulation for all users. While many of the advanced systems will require you to RTFM to operate effectively, anyone can be in the air within seconds of loading the sim (well maybe a little longer if you`re setting up a carrier launch). While failure logic, such as engine compressor stalls are included, they will not become active and take out an engine unless you enable the feature.
  • Three generations of the A Model F-14 as well as the more refined B model
  • Joystick input can be routed to drive from the pilot seat or scan the skies from the RIO seat with a steerable radar.
  • 3D Landing lights
  • 208 preprogrammed LUA commands
  • Payload Manager with Checklists
  • Payloads can be loaded and jettisoned dynamically in the simulator, changing visual models, weight, and fuel
  • Automated Checklists for Pre-Start, Start, Post-Start, Taxi, Run-up, Take-off, Approach, and Post-Landing
  • Approach Rating system which evaluates how well pilots set their aircraft up for a visual approach during carrier landings
  • Sim Start Options which allow users to set and remember the F-14`s loading state
    Visual Systems:
  • HUD - A models: vintage type that is projected on the windscreen
  • HUD - B model: Sparrow Hawk model with integrated combiner
  • HUD - Both Models: All Flight and Steering modes have been created, including A/A and A/G with CCIP, shows Carrier TACAN and ILS symbology
  • VDI (Vertical Display Indicator) - in-the-cockpit aircraft attitude instrument with ground and sky textures
  • HSD (Horizontal Situation Display) - compass rose and steering symbols (TACAN, CRS, ADF)
  • DDD (Detailed Data Display) - shows raw radar data in azimuth and range-rate
  • TID (Tactical Information Display) - presents radar targets in a computer-generated, synthetic, clutter-free format
  • RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) - shows ground and sea based radar emitters
  • AWG-9 radar - 8 modes of operation (including STT, RWS, TWS, PLM), adjustable azimuth scan and elevation bar patterns, ranges from 5 to 200nm
  • All displays have the authentic F-14A type symbology and functionality is programmed according to the NATOPS Manual
    Flight Systems:
  • Complete wing sweep implementation with all four modes of operation: Auto, Bomb, Manual, and Emergency (with Oversweep). Auto Mode uses two sweep channels with dependencies on Mach and Altitude to determine optimum wing sweep angle
  • Every control surface moves on the visual model and within the flight model according to underlying hydraulic system, with realistic gains, rate limits, and damping.
  • Maneuver Flaps: Both automatic and pilot controlled (separate system from main flaps)
  • Glove Vanes: Extend with Maneuver Flaps at sweep angles greater than 25° and also at very high Mach
  • Approach Auto Throttle: The F-14 is a notoriously difficult plane to land, Approach AutoThrottle maintains the aircraft at optimum AoA
  • Direct Lift Control: Pilots can toggle a partial extension of the inboard spoilers to adjust AoA during approach
  • Ground Roll AeroBrake: When armed, Inboard and Outboard spoilers fully extend with weight on wheel and throttles at Idle
  • Speed Brake: Blows shut at speeds greater than 400KIAS or auto-retracts at MIL thrust
  • MiniHUD: Optional 2D gauge gives access to information which would be readily available in a pilot`s peripheral vision
    AI Scenarios:
  • In-sim menu allows users to spawn randomly generated scenarios anywhere near a carrier TACAN signal
  • Includes radar Intercept, escort, wandering (civilian) pilot, Random, and a Tanker for when the tanks run empty
  • Included aircraft that have been generously donated by our collaborators.

  • 1.91 GB
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Captain Ahmed

Стаж: 1 год 11 месяцев

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Captain Ahmed · 08-Май-18 11:41(спустя 11 часов)

Стаж: 3 года 5 месяцев

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XnXX · 08-Май-18 19:53(спустя 8 часов, ред. 08-Май-18 19:53)

75316490VRS TacPack Please?
Sure, I'll look into it.


Стаж: 10 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 355

Bagration8 · 10-Май-18 20:44(спустя 2 дня)

Подскажите, чем реализуется опция изменения стреловидности крыльев? Спасибо.


Стаж: 10 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 59

1alexvk · 12-Май-18 16:07(спустя 1 день 19 часов)

Там ползунок должен быть рядом с РУД, и ещё есть тумблер - авто-мануал. Принудительно менять стреловидность можно только в мануале.


Стаж: 10 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 18

denistpilot · 22-Май-18 17:35(спустя 10 дней)

Может ли кто-нибудь выложить работоспособный VRS TacPack?


Стаж: 5 лет

Сообщений: 6

Lovinator96 · 28-Авг-18 20:47(спустя 3 месяца 6 дней)

Is it supposed to be really wibbly-wobbly to fly? Im having a really hard time just leveling out even without weather. Also happens with the OV-10A Bronco .


Стаж: 5 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 5

marziu · 11-Май-19 11:37(спустя 8 месяцев)


Стаж: 7 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

avechelice · 17-Май-19 21:24(спустя 6 дней)

77352319Hey guys where is the latest version v3.0.1 ??
Take it there:!aQMmRKqI!JWQYwU0kD5ZDCfw89bOnFMqYD7TK_thCp3UZ9ennl24


Стаж: 12 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 416

wby1975 · 24-Июн-19 17:08(спустя 1 месяц 6 дней)

Некоторые заметки (запускал на P3D v4.5):
- если при запуске идущих в комплекте полетов нет авианосца - проверьте ползунок трафика кораблей, должен быть выставлен на 100%
- Если все равно нет авианосца - убирайте кучу AI самолетов, которые вы установили.
Подсмотрено на официальном форуме асофта.
Где-то завалялся такпак, если смогу прикрутить - поделюсь.
Главная»Игры»Прочее для Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, X-Plane»Самолёты и вертолёты для FS2004, FSX, P3D

Sep 28, 2015  Aerosoft’s F-14 is not that maneuverable if you use the front wheel steering only. I need to help myself with differential braking but this is unrealistic – the F-14 does not use differential braking for tight turns – the inside wheel actually turns back on tight turns!

This is the full package for the F-14D Tomcat developed by Dino Cattaneo for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D. This is the latest version (v2.40).

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable-sweep wing aircraft. The F-14 was the United States Navy's primary maritime air superiority fighter, fleet defense interceptor, and tactical reconnaissance platform from 1974 to 2006.

This package contains an entirely new visual model, with self-shadowing, bump mapping and photoreal hi-res textures, working virtual dynamic cockpit, 3D gauges, and completely new flight model.

Also included is a 150+ page PDF manual outlining aircraft checklists and procedures and how to use the cockpit.

Flaps, Wingsweep, DLC control

Flaps, Wingsweep and DLC are all simulated with the FSX-flaps function, with in total 10 discrete positions; this implies that they are operated sequentially. In this description, the term FLAPS.x to refer to the position of the FSX-flaps function.

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Wing sweep

  • Auto or Manual control.
    Clicking the sweep hat switch on the Throttles (in VC) toggles the control mode. Default: Auto.
  • Uses FLAPS.0 (swept backward) -- FLAPS.6 (swept forward) or higher.
  • In Auto-mode, Wingsweep depends on airspeed:
    • FLAPS.0 when airspeed greater than Mach 0.8.
    • FLAPS.6 when airspeed less than Mach 0.4.
    • and proportionally in between.


  • Manual control only.
  • Uses FLAPS.6 (Flaps fully up) -- FLAPS.8 (Flaps fully down) or higher.


  • Mode of control follows the Wing sweep control mode.
  • Uses FLAPS.8 (DLC Off) and FLAPS.9 (DLC On)
  • In Auto-mode
    • When airborne, DLC is set:
      • On, when airborne AND AoA greater than 10.5
      • Off, when airborne and AoA less than 7.5
    • When on the ground, DLC is set:
      • On, when Flaps are full, Airbrakes extended and Throttle at Idle.
      • Off, otherwise.

This simulation of Wingsweep, Flaps, and DLC with FLAPS leads to a few restrictions, some of which are valid in a real F14 anyway:

  • Flaps can only be lowered when wings are swept in full forward position.
  • Wings can only be swept backward (both Auto and Manual) when Flaps are fully up.
  • DLC can only be activated when Flaps are fully down.

Note: When Wingsweep control is set to Manual, you can simply step through all Wing sweep, Flaps and DLC positions (in sequence) by using FLAPS Increase and Decrease commands.

Airbrakes control

In general, Airbrakes control is Manual, using the SpoilerToggle function of FSX.

However, a few real-world auto-settings of Airbrakes are implemented:

  • Airbrakes are auto-retracted when Throttles are set to MIL power or higher.
  • Actual Airbrakes extension is limited by actual airspeed when you activate Airbrakes:
    • To 0 percent extension, when airspeed is above 600 Knots IAS.
    • No limitation (100 percent), when airspeed is below 400 Knots IAS.
    • And linear percentage, when airspeed is between 400 and 600 Knots IAS.
    • No auto-return; meaning that when airspeed drops again, Airbrakes extension does not increase; you have to toggle Airbrake off/on again for full extension.
  • When Airbrakes are in the (partial) extended position, FuelDump is forced Off.
  • On the ground, Airbrakes are auto-extended when Throttles are at Idle AND AntiSkid is set.

Wingfold control

Wingfold control is Manual, using the ToggleWingfold function of FSX.

However, a few restrictions apply:

  • In the air, wings cannot be folded (a trivial restriction :) )
  • On the ground:
    • Wings can only be set to fold when Flaps are fully Up.
    • When wings are in fully folded position:
  • Airbrakes are retracted
  • FLAPS and Airbrakes control is inactive.
    • When wings are unfolded, wings return to a position swept Forward, with Flaps set Up.

Engines shutdown/flameout

In the following conditions, the engines are shut down:

  • Gforce becomes less than -4.0.
  • Persistent negative Gforce longer than 20 sec, with Throttles in MIL power or higher.
  • Persistent negative Gforce longer than 10 sec, with Throttles in full Afterburner power.

When this occurs and the conditions are no longer valid, you can restart the engines in the usual way.

Transonic effect

Visual effect switched On when the aircraft accelerates through Mach-1.

Acceleration package required.

Developer: Dino Cattaneo.

Repaints included

This 'mega' pack includes repaints bundled with the aircraft.

  • US Navy
    This two-pack contains VF-41 BlackAces circa 1976 and VF-103 Jolly Rogers circa 2004 - both have bump maps and custom specular maps.
  • VF-111
    There are two paints in this pack. The first one represents the F-14A/BuNo161621, 'Miss Molly', VF-111 'Sundowners', USS Carl Vinson CVN-70. The second one represents an F-14A/BuNo 160658, VF-111 'Sundowners', USS Carl Vinson, with low visibility markings.
  • VF-1 Wolfpack
    In the scheme of VF-1 Wolfpack on their first cruise aboard the USS Enterprise.
  • VF-114
  • Dirty Textures Pack
  • VMFA-513 Grey Ghosts
    Fictional representation of an F14D assigned to the USMC squadron VMFA-513 Grey Ghosts
  • VMFA-122 Crusaders
  • Pukin' Dogs
  • VF-31 100NK
  • US Navy F-14 Top Gun Pack
    From the Top Gun movie. Includes Maverick and Iceman Tomcats
  • US Navy 163217/VF-103 Jolly Rogers
    Jolly Rogers '60 years' scheme originally from F-14B
  • IRIAF F-14AM
    Included are four repaints of the Dino Cattaneo F-14D (as an F-14AM) in the IRIAF blue scheme: aircraft serials 3-6023, 3-6042, 3-6067 and 3-6079, all from TAB 8.
  • US Navy Grumman VF-213 161159
    VF-213 AJ204 F14 that rests in the hangar of the National Naval Museum
  • Alternative Afterburners
    Dino Cattaneo F14D Alternative Burners. For a different set of burners for Dino Cattaneo's Grumman F-14D Tomcat. Also, a replacement texture set for black F-14 throttles instead of white ones.
  • VF-142 Ghostriders hi-vis scheme
  • 163227/VF-11
    VF-11 Red Rippers hi-vis scheme originally from F-14B