Email Form File Attachment

Send a Single Excel Worksheet as Email Attachment You may want to send a single Excel worksheet (from many worksheets in the workbook) as the email attachment. To do this, you need to create a new workbook with that single sheet, and then send it using the Send to Email Recipient. This article shows you how to create a PHP based email form that supports file attachment. The article will also show you how to validate the type and size of the.

You receive an email with a file attached to it, maybe a spreadsheet or presentation, a PDF or plain text. You don't just want to open it in an app, though. You want to save it somewhere you can remember and get to whenever you need to, and from any of your devices. That's where attachment saving comes in. With it, you can save any attachment you receive to any online storage service you use, including iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Then, you can access whenever you want, from wherever you want.

How to save email attachments to iCloud on iPhone and iPad

Saving email attachments to iCloud Drive is easy because iCloud built right into iOS.

  1. Launch Mail from your Home screen.
  2. Tap the email that contains the attachment.
  3. Hard press on the attachment to bring up the Share sheet. If you don't have a device with 3D Touch, then long press on the attachment.
  4. Tap the share sheet button on the bottom left of the page. It's a square with an upward arrow.
  5. Tap on Save to Files.

  6. Tap iCloud Drive to save to iCloud Drive or tap On My iPhone to save it directly to your phone.
  7. Tap a folder.
  8. Tap Add on the top right of your screen.

How to save email attachments to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or enterprise storage on iPhone or iPad

Thanks to document provider extensions, though, you can also save to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and other storage services.

To save attachments to you storage provider, you first have to download the host app from the App Store.

Once you've downloaded the app, launch it and log into your account. Then you can start saving away. How you do it can vary by provider, however.

  1. Launch Mail from your Home screen.
  2. Open the email that contains the attachment.
  3. Long press on the attachment to bring up the Share sheet.
  4. Tap on your storage provider, if they have a custom saving extension. For example, tap Save to Dropbox.

    1. Tap Save to save the file to the top level.
    2. Or, tap Choose a Different Folder to select a a sub-directory for the file, and then tap Save.

  5. Tap Save Attachment if your storage provider doesn't have their own saving extension. For example, Google Docs.

    1. Tap Locations,
    2. Tap on your storage provider, For example, Google Drive.
    3. Choose your account, if prompted.
    4. Tap on the folder you want to save the file into, if it's not at the top level.
    5. Tap Save Here or whatever language your storage provider uses.

Yeah, it's messier. Dropbox is using a custom extension to provide a faster, better experience, while Google Drive and others are simply letting iOS link in.

Either way, once you get used to how your storage provider works, it's relatively simple and fast to do.

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Not sure how to add attachments? Find out here!



Let us know in the comments below!

Updated October 2017: Updated steps and screenshots for iOS 11.



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Having file upload boxes in contact forms will be greatly convenient for some web sites. For example, if the visitor can attach his/her photo and resume, that will greatly enhance the form's functionality. Here is a contact form that you can customize for your needs.Also see free file attachment forms from

# Download the contact form code

You can download the contact form that best fits your needs and then customize as required.

A simple contact form with a file upload field
Try the Demo Download
Contact form with file upload field and Captcha
Try the Demo Download
Contact form with two file upload fields and Captcha
Try the Demo Download

# Features of the contact form

  • You can have any number of file upload boxes
  • Standards compliant (100% XHTML 1.0 strict validated, uses CSS)
  • Secured against spam bots and attacks
  • Easy to customize
  • Hosted on your own web server
  • Free!

# Installing the contact form on your web site

  1. Unzip the downloaded contact form code.
  2. Edit contactform.php and edit the email address to your email address
  1. Upload the folder contents to your website (to a sub-folder say, /contact)
  2. The contactform.php contains the form. You can link to this file or embed the form using iframe.

Here is sample iframe code to embed the form:

Alternatively, you can modify contactform.php to have the same look of your web site.

# Customizing the form

If you want to add one more file upload box, do the following:

  1. open contactus.php in a text editor
  2. Add the HTML code for the file upload box(just like the existing one for the photo). Gove another unique name and id for the file upload box
  1. Add one more line on the top of the contactus.php

You can edit the contact.css file to change the style of the form.

# License

The code is shared under LGPL license. You can freely use it on commercial or non-commercial websites.